
PowerApps are value‑added cloud services designed to extend and improve your AiRE experience with centralized fleet management, prescriptive analytics, predictive support, and much more.

One portal to all services and data management operations
Intelligent insights into all data from the cloud
Proactive support tailored to customer needs
GDPR‑compliant long‑term retention and secure offsite disaster recovery


CloudSight delivers intelligent insights into all data from the cloud. CloudSight is a cloud processing engine that analyzes millions of data points from all your AiRE instances with AI to present a variety of data‑driven reports. CloudSight’s machine learning capabilities are upgraded right along with each SmartCARE plan.

Three levels of CloudSight analytics
under SmartCARE


Simple analytics and insights into your AiRE instances and your data.


More powerful AI‑driven analytics for deeper insights and more powerful optimization


Prescriptive analytics that support data‑driven decision‑making and predictive support.

See the SmartCARE section for more info.

The deep tech behind CloudSight

CloudSight is built around groundbreaking data science and biological computing technologies including DNA profiling and barcoding. This deep tech is used to examine the behavior of the data stream archived on persistent memory and generate intelligent insights.

Some of the major data points CloudSight collects in real time include capacity usage, performance, configurations, and system health.

Making insights actionable with AI

The data collected by CloudSight is run through next‑gen machine learning algorithms to automatically identify any suboptimization or potential issues. This information is flagged to both your team and our SmartCARE customer support team.

Instead of reactively acting on these insights, why not opt into our CoPilot Connect and/or AutoPILOT support programs for proactive optimizations and fixes?

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