Virtual machines

Leveraging virtual machines (VMs) is a popular way of rationalizing IT infrastructure into fewer physical servers. This cuts costs and makes the infrastructure more agile and flexible. But VM performance and redundancy can be challenging, regardless whether you’re a cloud service provider or a large enterprise with on‑prem VMs.

The need for VM speed

Leveraging virtual machines (VMs) is a popular way of rationalizing IT infrastructure into fewer physical servers. This cuts costs and makes the infrastructure more agile and flexible. But VM performance and redundancy can be challenging, regardless whether you’re a cloud service provider or a large enterprise with on‑prem VMs.

Slow VMs can drain your customers’ or your team’s productivity, and VM outages can take down mission‑critical applications and workloads with them.

The number of VMs in use and the types of workloads on each VM at a given time all have an impact on performance and redundancy. With these parameters likely to change frequently and conventional hardware settings difficult to modify after initial configuration, getting the most out of your VMs is usually no easy task.

Data recovery times can also be easily bogged down by slow restoration of backups. Overall, you want your VMs to be fast in terms of both recovery times and everyday performance.

AI‑driven VM redundancy and performance optimization

Automatic optimization

AiRE IntelligentFiler’s groundbreaking AI algorithms automatically monitor hundreds of system parameters and optimize VM performance and redundancy in real time based on preset profiles and policies.


AiRE’s integrated data protection and point‑in‑time snapshots enable you to restore VMs quickly and easily. Enjoy always‑on VMs with maximum redundancy and hot copies available 24/7.


AiRE’s automated I/O path management is one of the key parameters optimized for VM performance. AiRE’s ability to speed up virtual cluster switching from minutes to seconds and optimize network utilization are further key VM performance factors.

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