DNA and AI ‑ the future of data storage

Did you know that just four grams of DNA can hold several years of data created by humans?

This sheds light on the enormous potential of DNA‑related technology for the future of data storage. So we went in that direction and looked at DNA barcoding and profiling and similar biological computing techniques in a new way, from a fresh perspective.

Have you thought about how intelligent forms of life have been better at adapting to changes in their environment over time?

This inspired us to create a storage array with the intelligence to recognize changes in its operating environment and automatically adapt to them. We took inspiration for this from life sciences like biology and neuroscience.

Pushing the limits of AI

We also could see that artificial intelligence (AI) technology would be crucial. Everyone is looking at AI now. But, when it comes to data services, no one has really figured out how to get consistently accurate and powerful results from machine learning.

We put countless hours into developing, testing and training our advanced machine learning algorithms. Think how much work goes into perfecting self‑driving cars. That’s how much work we’ve put into laying the foundation for an era of self‑driving storage arrays.

We look at millions of data points and hundreds of system parameters. Every little detail needs to be just right for our AI to really be a breakthrough technology.

We knew we had to think outside the box and work hard to push the limits of AI.

Our secret sauce

Combining biology and AI

The Heart

From a technological standpoint, we conceived of the storage array as a heart, powering a variety of data operations in the most efficient way possible.

Inspiration from biology would come into play in programming this heart to be more precise, flexible and effective about how much power to pump into each operation.

The Brain

To fully utilize the many possibilities and capabilities of the heart in an intelligent way, we looked to cloud technologies to build a connection with AI. Sending data on a one way trip from a storage array to the cloud was nothing new. That’s simple telemetry.

But we wanted to go further, much further. This demanded a two‑way cloud connection so the autonomous AI could be like a brain, analyzing data from the heart and sending back commands via the cloud.

A next‑generation unified data platform – AiRE IntelligentFiler

Combining different classes of memory, multi‑protocol support and data management across data fabrics with next‑gen deep tech creates a complete solution that is unique on the market.

That’s why we call this a next‑generation unified data platform, AiRE IntelligentFiler, comprising the AiRE software, the hardware it runs on and the associated AI‑enabled cloud services.

AiRE IntelligentFiler provides a consistent user experience covering the entire data lifecycle and spanning data fabrics seamlessly.

Two‑way cloud connection and AI create a self‑driving storage array

AiRE is enhanced by deep tech, especially AI, using the cloud as a medium. One‑way telemetry to the cloud, where CloudSight runs machine learning algorithms, enables reporting and the AI‑driven identification of potential issues.

Expanding on this, a back link from the cloud to AiRE makes centralized fleet management and a more proactive approach to support possible.

If you opt into CoPILOT Connect, remote assistance is always active so the STORViX SmartCARE support team can implement fixes and optimizations for you without delay.

With AutoPILOT, the AI can instantly do most of this on its own and alert SmartCARE if human intervention is required. Using the cloud and AI to enhance AiRE in this way creates a self‑driving storage array, much like a self‑driving car.

Most groundbreaking cloud‑based AI features at a glance

So far, we’ve been talking about some really interesting next‑gen AI, biological computing and cloud technology. Let’s look at what this tech can do in practice with three of our most in‑demand powerapp features.


Predictive support

Automatically identify and resolve issues proactively, flag for human intervention when necessary

Auto tuning

Automatically detect changes in workloads and system environment to tune system parameters for optimized performance, resiliency or efficiency

Prescriptive analytics

Run millions of data points from all your AiRE instances in machine learning algorithms to provide deep insights and intelligent reports

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